- 電子門票限一人使用一次,不得重複使用。
- 本電子門票視同無記名門票,請持票人妥善保管,並請注意任何憑證皆無法取代電子門票本身,恕持其餘憑證者無法要求入場。
- 如場地管理人員要求查證,持票人必須出示年齡證明,例如身分證。
- 活動舉辦場地的管理人員有權拒絕遲到者入場,亦有權決定遲到者的入場時間及方式。
- 除節目遭取消,或主辦機構依按有關法例執行外,門票售出既不退換;補發電子門票請洽 KKTIX香港客服中心電郵 hksupport@kktix.com。
- KKTIX只負責代門票上所註明的活動籌辦/主辦機構印發/出售門票。倘任何活動取消或延期舉行,則由籌辦/主辦機構負責安排退回票款,而票款只會退回予持票人士。
- 主辦機構有權增刪及更換演出者,及/或將節目、座位編排及座位數目更改。
- 所有門票均按銷售條款及場地規則發售,詳情備存或張貼於場地辦事處/票務平台,以供參考。
- 優惠票持有人必須出示有效之身分證明文件,方可進場。
- One person per e-ticketand one e-ticket is eligible for entry once only.
- E-ticket holders are responsible for their own e-tickets. Please note that any order confirmation or receipt is not eligible for event entry.
- E-ticket holders must provide proof of age, e.g identity card, for inspection on demand by venue management.
- The management of the venue where the event takes place reserves the right to refuse admission of any late-comers into the event. The management also reserves the right to determine the time and manner in which late-comers to be admitted.
- E-tickets sold are not returnable nor exchangeable unless events are canceled or postponed. Please contact KKTIX via hksupport@kktix.com for issuing e-ticket again if your e-ticket is lost or unaccessible
- E-tickets are issued/sold on behalf of the organizer/presenter of the event. For any postponement or cancellation of an event, the organizer/presenter shall be responsible for refunding the purchased price of the e-tickets and the refund shall be made to the e-tickets holders only.
- The organizer/presenter reserves the right to add, withdraw or substitute artists and/or vary advertised programmes, seating arrangements and audience capacity.
- All e-tickets are sold subject to the Terms and Conditions of Sale and House Rules, the details of which are made available or displayed at the management/booking office.
- Concessionary e-tickets holders could only be admitted upon the provide of proof of identity.